Friday, October 10, 2008

Things I cannot Live without

1. My Cell phone, yes I will freak out, if I do not have it at all times, u may laugh, but its just me, deal with it. LG Dare Pictures, Images and Photos
2. My laptop, my old one broke, I bought a new one the same day. HP Pictures, Images and Photos
3. Japanese Food, I could eat it every day, its so dang good! Photobucket
4. DVR, I work nights, Im always up, there is nothing to do, thank goodness for DVR! uverse logo Pictures, Images and Photos
5. Pepsi. I have tried so hard to give it up, its just not going to happen! PEPSI Pictures, Images and Photos
6. XM Radio, I am in my car way too much to not have good music all the time. XM Radio Pictures, Images and Photos
7. The Ellen Degeneres Show, I could watch that show all day everyday. It makes me laugh so hard. ellen Pictures, Images and Photos
8. My Camera, I love to take pictures!Elixim 7.2mp Pictures, Images and Photos


Heather Atchley said...

With this list you sound like quite the plugged in girl! No wonder you didn't survive camping!

Lauralee Altice said...

I'm with you there...if I don't have my phone with me I feel like a part of me is missing!