Friday, September 26, 2008

Stand back, I'll take care of this!

I don't know what my deal is but I have this horrible obsession with as I like to call it (and pardon my french) "bad ass chicks." I absolutely love movies with women who just have this tough exterior, that carry a gun and are not a afraid of anything. I love Lara Croft, in Tomb Raider. She doesn't take crap from anyone, can double fist guns while getting rid of anyone who gets in her way.

Then there is Alice on Resident Evil. Milla Jovovich is invincible. Sure that is just part of her character, but she just walks through town, taking out zombie after zombie and doesn't blink an eye.


I don't know what it is about them. I guess some where inside of me, I wish I could be that way. To fear nothing, have no emotions, never back down. Just stare fear in the face and laugh. Sure people like that in real life all have something to hide. Either that or a horrible life; they aren't that way just for fun. Im sure it's a hard exterior they have created to hide from pain. However, there is some weird part of me that admires or maybe not admire just wants to be "bad ass" too!


Amanda Idell said...

Those movies are the bestest.. you have this super hot chick just out busting some heads and kicking some major a! Whats not to love?

Anonymous said...

I wish all girls out there knew they have a little Lara Croft and Alice in them and that they can do anything they put their minds too (and even kick a little a$$!) :D