Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So sick

Im sick, and I hate it! I feel yucky, and achy, and I have a headache, and my throat hurts. I am supposed to work tonight, and frankly i don't know if I can make it. However problem being I have missed a lot of work due to sickness lately and I don't know that i dare do it again. I went to Jinbeh for dinner tonight, cause that always makes me feel better when im sick. While the food was fabulous as always, something about eating alone just doesn't make it quite as enjoyable.
So I come home, and check in online at CareNow, its a 2 hour wait, so I hang out at home. In the mean time my home teacher swings by to do a little end of the month visit, and then i race off to see the doctor. Unfortunatly she was too busy trying not to stay late, that she didn't listen to most my symptoms and didn't let me tell the other half. So she heard me say my worst pain was my glands along the outside of my throat. Which she promptly told me was Eustachian Tube Disfunction. I really don't have many of the stomptoms of that, well the one, but I know it is more than that. But I got the whole song and dance about how its called from allergies, and she gave me a decongestant and a steriodal nasal spray. No antibiotic, so im stuck feeling misrable. Gotta love being a nurse, you don'd feel well, but you feel guilty if you want to stay home, to take care of yourself and not the sick kids in the hospital. BLAH!


Amanda Idell said...

Aww I hope you get better soon. Being sick sucks to high heaven.

Anonymous said...

I know a lady who makes really good homemade chicken noodle soup. Her name is...... your MOM :) Hope you feel bett soon Rach. My family has been sick for a week and now I'm getting the same crud. Not fun. I'll join your pitty party. FYI, the new CareNow in Frisco on Preston, has a hot young doctor ;) Not that I know, just heard from Linz!