I knew full well going through nursing school that when people find out you are a nurse they want "free" advice on everything. Not that this is usually a big deal, I’m glad to help others when I can. But somehow the concept has seemed to escape some people, that nurses are not doctors. Yes, while many of us feel we know more than some doctors, we are in fact NOT doctors and we really aren’t able to diagnose you. I don’t know what that funny looking thing is growing around your fingernail is, especially when you are trying to describe it to me over the phone. I really don’t know what cause that rash on your skin, especially when it comes and goes at different times but hey, I will give it my best shot. I can always take a look at your problem, or listen to your lungs, I do have a few skills up my sleeve, but its always hard to know what is going on when you are trying to describe your symptoms over the phone. I also, strange as it may seem, cannot tell you what is wrong with someone just by looking at them, when I don’t know a single symptom. I know I carry a magic wand, but oddly enough I haven’t figured out how to work the darn thing.
Oh, never mind, there it goes!
What do I take? The blue ones or the red ones?Well that depends...what are you taking it for, what are you allergic to, what is wrong with you, what is your favorite color really? LOL Never mind I will figure it out....you seem to be suffering from a serious case of hypochondria and the only chance you have at survival is if you take the red pill and blue pill at exactly the same time all while jumping backwards and saying an Indian rain chant. Do you see what I’m getting at?
I seem to go both ways with people. I have people who think I know everything and want me to diagnose every little problem. On the other hand, people like my family don’t think I know a thing. Occasionally they will come to me for advice, but for some reason they never trust what I say. But my mom is quicker than anyone to send me over to someones house who happens to go to church with them, because somehow I will be able to tell them what is wrong with their child. Again, the magic wand problem...if only I had a crystal ball. I don’t mind you coming to me with your problems, I really don’t. But just don’t expect me to have ALL the answers. I do have a vast amount of knowledge in my brain, and some things I am excellent at, like drugs for instance. But I'm still working on my diagnosing skills and I definitely can’t do it over the phone, via email, and not always over text. Work with me people, I am a nurse, im not wonder woman! I do what I can with the knowledge I have been given, believe it or not we are not taught EVERYTHING in nursing school, a lot of what I know has come through training and experiences. I am not saying that no one should talk to me about their problems, that would be silly. I love to help, and I do it whenever I can. All I ask if for realistic expectations from me. Come to me,and I will kiss your boo-boos and make them all better, I will do what I can, cause I AM THE NURSE!
4 years ago
1 comment:
If I send you a picture of the sores on my butt can you tell me what it is? LOL I love this post
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