Friday, September 5, 2008

I love my dogs

There are few things in life that are guaranteed to make you happy. Everyone has their own idea of what that may be in their lives, but for me it can always be my dogs. Not everyone is a dog person, some people don't mind them, but don't exactly care for them (that would be my mom) and then there are people who just truly despise dogs and would be perfectly content never having them in their lives. (that would be my aunt Julie) Then there are the people like me that are dog lovers! While I would admit there are different extremes of dog lovers. I wouldn't classify myself as on the extreme end, but there is something about having a dog that really makes me life complete. They are the ultimate companion and they always love you no matter what. When I am sad or in pain, my dogs know it. Especially Cooper, he is really good at being right by my side, he always can sense when something is wrong, and he will just make sure he is really close.


He loves to give kisses


I guess not everyone loves dogs, and doesn't mind sleeping with them, and cleaning up their fur, and getting kisses and such, but there is nothing I love more.

You know your a dog lover if...

You can't see out the passenger side of your window because of all the drool marks and nose prints
You refer to yourselves as Mommy
Your dog sleeps with you.
  • Your dog eats cat poop, but you still let her kiss you (but not immediately afterward, of course).
  • You like people who like your dog. You despise people who don't.
  • You talk about your dog the way other people talk about their kid.
  • You put an extra blanket on the bed so your dog can be comfortable.
  • You'd rather stay home on Saturday night and cuddle your dog than go to the movies with your sweetie. (ok that may be a bit much!)
  • You don't think it's the least bit strange to stand in the back yard chirping "Daisy, pee!" over and over again, while Daisy tends to play and forget what she's out there for (but what your neighbors think of your behavior is yet another story).
  • You match your furniture/carpet/clothes to your dog.
  • You never completely finish a piece of steak or chicken (so your dog gets a taste, too).
  • You make popcorn just to play catch with your dog.
  • You keep eating even after finding a dog hair in your pasta



I think she was laughing at me




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