- Oscar Wilde
Know the difference between ...
Your love for you - selfish love
other's love for you - selfless love
Have you ever realize or experience that ...
If someone ELSE cooks or bakes FOR you - that will usually taste much better than if you would prepare the very same food yourself FOR you !?
Or if someone else GIVES you a gentle loving massage - it feels much different / better than if you would give yourself a massage ?!
Or that someone ELSE singing FOR you is more pleasant to listen to than if YOU would listen to tapes from YOUR very own songs !!
If and as long as you are busy loving or caring for yourself ...
- no one else can care for you because you are fully occupied with your own love
Hence if and as long as YOU are busy caring FOR you and busy WITH you - you are occupied and thus no one else can give any love TO you !! A human being in a certain way behaves and acts like a container - there is ONE amount or quantity of love in total "fitting into" or having "place" inside you - your love OR other's people's love OR much of your love and little love from other's ...
the sum of BOTH equals 100% ... but ...
If you are fully busy caring and loving others
- then you are free to fully absorb and enjoy all the savory love from others
Love is not...
Alright come clean. Who is giving you "gentle, loving masssages"?? Huh? I wanna know!
I don't have anyone giving me gentle loving massages, it was more an illustration. But I am really in need of one right now. Instead im laid up on the couch with a heating pack and doped up on pain killers.
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