Monday, January 19, 2009

Greetings from my travels

So I found out the middle of last week that I had to fly to Lubbock Sunday night for training for my new job. So after finishing up with my last 3 days at the hospital, I got to go to a goodbye work dinner on thursday night and then went out with my friend Monica to get a pedicure and Acrylic nails put on for my birthday. Then Friday I had to go into the office for an hour to fill out paperwork (nice birthday gift I know) and then I met up with my whole family for lunch. Well whole family minus Sharon and Lauralee who don't live here. Then I went and got a 3 hour massage, which turned out to be quite painful and i hurt for days after. Then for dinner my mom made me some homemade pizza which is one of my favorite things she makes. Then after dinner my new roommate Melissa came over to my parents we played a few games of Greed and then went home around 11. Chet was able to come by and spend a few days he got to my house about 1130. Saturday one of my best friends, Holly, flew in from Colorado for a few weeks.
Then Sunday, the day after she got here, I flew out to Lubbock for CBA training. It feels like a complete foreign language. There are so many thing I didn't know. I had never heard of D.A.D.S which is the Texas state program this is based from. Its the Department of aging and disable services. So while its a very helpful program its a state program so of course you get to jump through hoop after hoop after hoop. Its crazy! I am very overwhelmed, but one of the nurses from one of other clinics spent about 2 hours just answering my questions and trying as much as possible to put my mind at ease. Its a lot to take in and I can't wait to go back home, but until then I got to get some sleep, I still have two more days of training.


Lauralee Altice said...

That was nice of her to help you!
Dang, a three hour massage! That is some stamina! I would be so sore after that too!

Amanda said...

GOOD LUCK and happy birthday (late.)

a 3 hour massage???!!!!! Never heard of one so long...don't y a get tired of laying there?!