I have decided that 2009 is going to be my year. I have had enough of sitting back waiting for my time to come and I have decided that I am going to have to do what it takes to make 2009 my year. For starters I have gone and gotten myself a new job. While I love working in the hospital and love the children whos lives I get to touch, I don't love the being gone for 14 hours at a times, being up all night, working all holidays, and always having to work weekends. So with the encouragement of family and friends I have gone out and found myself another job.
Starting on January 19th I am going to be working for Caprock home health agency. They are just opening up their Richardson location and are trying to get it up and running without having to operate under the staffing of the Abilene office. I am their first RN staff nurse they have hired for this location. I will be going to the homes of new patients as they get them and assessing them and formulating a plan of care. As far as I understand I will also be assisting in some classes they are doing for kids with forms of mental retardation such as down syndrome or cerebral palsey. I have been informed that there will be a lot of driving and a lot of paperwork involved in the job. But I am looking forward to not be involved in the physical grunt work of taking care of a patient because my bad back just cannot handle anymore of it. After working for this company for 3 months I will be able to get a company car, and they pay for my medical and dental benifits, so that will be nice. I am looking forward to this, hopefully this will be just the change I need to start my year off right.
Hope everyone's new year was wonderful! Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings. It really does mean a lot, I love your comments! It makes writing more worth while.
Good luck with the new job:) I am sure you will keep us updated:)
congratulations on your new job. Can I have your car? I'm sure Amy has already asked, but I am older.
haha...I love moms comment!
CONGRATS! I am so excited for you!
Your mom is cute. 2009 IS your year...you go, girl! Congratulation on your new job. Change is always good!
guess u will c if u r as strong as u think huh
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