Saturday, January 24, 2009

Full of hope

I know I had said my day was stressful, but it mostly was stress I had in my head cause I really didn't do much today...

I woke up today full of hope.

A new day had dawned.

The day of change was at hand.

I was excited. I was expecting today to be different that the last 3000 days when President Bush was in office. Today was going to be all about change.

So, I slept in. I knew my boss would understand. If she dared threaten to fire me, I was ready to tell her about change and remind her that President Obama would save me from getting my butt fired.

To chronicle this great day of change, I took some notes:

7:00 a.m.
I woke up one hour late. I took a one hour shower because I knew it was now impossible to waste water with our new environmental president ready to save the planet.

8:00 a.m.
Traffic sucked. In fact, it was even worse than those days when Bush was president. Change in the form of traffic was NOT the positive change I was promised. But I thought about it and realized that the traffic was because of the thousands of jobs Obama had promised... more people were already working thanks to our new president.

9:00 a.m.
I walk into work an hour late. The boss and some coordinators stared me down with the meanest of looks. Because I was full of hope, I smiled and said, "Cheer up. Change has arrived."

9:15 a.m.
It was time for lunch. I realized that working hard was no longer necessary knowing that very soon half of my boss's paycheck would be taxed to give to me. That's the kind of change I like... seeing my boss only have change left after taxes are taken from his paycheck.

9:16 a.m.
Before I went to lunch, I decided to fill my car up with gas. It was $1.79 a gallon; 20 cents higher than when Bush was president last week. Apparently, Mr. Obama called up his oil buddies and told them to raise prices so he could line his own pockets with our gas money.

9:30 a.m.
I headed to Jack in the Box. The woman at the drive thru only spoke Canadian. I asked her to speak English. She replied, "Eh". Then I demanded to speak to her manager. The manager came to the drive thru window and said, "I am sorry, Ma'am, but Shania is an illegal alien from Ottawa and she hasn't learned English, yet. If you have a problem with her, write a letter to the new president."

9:45 a.m.
I ate my lunch in my office while listening to my coworkers complain about
my new work habits, but i laughed it off because I knew my new president had my back.

11am I finished eating my lunch

11:01am I checked my email

12:47pm I decided I had done enough for the day, I told my boss I was needing a "change" and that I was going home. I left before she could answer.

I LOVE this new change, so much good has come into my life. I can't wait to find out what comes next!



Lauralee Altice said...

haha...that is so funny! YAY for Change!
I think that 9am is a little early to be eating lunch but that's just me :)

Anonymous said...

Yah, and she didn't finish her lunch til 11am! And gas is only $1.65 at 7-11. :)

Snarky Belle said...

YOU ARE FUNNY!!! I love it!! Thanks for making me laugh this morning.

Anonymous said...

maybe pres obama can bring the country together and unite us again. not sure that'll happen if people keep making fun of him. time to face facts folks and grow up.

Rachel Mohat said...

I am glad that there are those of you who see the humor in this post, as that is exactly what was intended. I was being silly, and those who want to leave hateful comments feel free, but its obvious you don't read my other post where I said I was hopeful for Obama. I say its time to pull that stick out of your butt and realize that its a joke, learn to laugh its good for you.

Holls said...

This cracked me up! But I agree with Lou, 9 am is way too early for lunch. I'm not even awake then! hehe. You captured the essence of what so many people dream is going to happen now that he is in office. He said that things will change but it's going ti take more than just overnight people!!! And once again to the anonymous poster...grow up!!!! Learn to laugh a little and take a joke when one is placed in front of you.