Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bitter Sweet

So my cousin that I blogged about here text me today to tell me that he got engaged. This girl he started dating a little over 4 months ago, who is a year younger than me, which makes her 5 years older than him. While I am beyond happy for him, it just feel"s like I should start singing "Another one bites the dust." I told my Aunt Cindy that it makes me feel like an old loser lol, she told me to join the club. So as I am reading this information via text I was on my way to a clients home and I was listening to my new Kelly Clarkson CD and the song Ready just happened to be playing and the line that says "Im ready now oh I'm ready now Oh I'm ready now come get me" All I could think was THAT'S RIGHT! LOL Blah


Lauralee Altice said...

Isn't it "Another one bites the dust" not "anyone bites the dust"?

Rachel Mohat said...

HAHAHAHA oops, stupid spell check! I'll fix it