Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So mean!

So this morning we had our usual Wednesday morning staff meeting. And just as soon as we sit down, the secretary rings back on my bosses phone and says that BJ our business manager is on the phone. So we all have to get up and leave her office while she talks to him. Then a few minutes later we go back into her office to start out meeting. She starts of by reminding us of the visit we are expecting from BJ the cooperate business manager and Carlos the vice president of our company. We have all been curious as to the reasoning for them coming. So she lets us know that the reason BJ called was to let us know that the reason they were coming was that our office has not been doing good, we are not improving enough for them, and not increasing in our numbers of patients. Our boss told us that the business manager is ALL about numbers and he doesn't care that we have pending patients all he sees are the numbers we have now. We are all in shock by now, and you can see everyones mind is racing. I am thinking that I am going to have to end up going back to the hospital, and all the while our boss continues on with our Wednesday staff meeting. She said she was going to give us the opportunity to vent about the situation at the end of the meeting. And as she talks to us my coworkers go on and on about how wrong this is for them to do this to us. And how hard we have been working. And then she says its ok for us to go back to work. And right as we get up to leave she goes oh, by the way... April Fools.


Lauralee Altice said...

That is pretty bad!

Unknown said...

Ouch lol

Heather Atchley said...

That is just plain old horrible!!!!! I can't believe a supervisor pulled that! What an odd sense of humor.