Wednesday, February 4, 2009

White History Month

Since we are 4 days into the month of February also known as Black History Month I thought I would address a lesser known "event" and that is White History Month. Didn't know it existed? Well maybe it doesn't really but it should! But it should be White History Month, not Anti-Black History Month. Said event should promote equality, not discrimination. And no. White History Month is NOT 11 months out of the year, American history is. The fact that 98% of this country's history was, founded, laid out and written by white US citizens DOES NOT make it "White History". Our history just happens to be laid out mostly by white, landowning males. That's just the way it is. Do our textbooks say George Washington was "the first white president of the United States"? No. Just because there are not many blacks in this country's long history, doesn't make it "White History". It just means blacks didn't step up to the plate until later. Like I said, it's not like we're there to stop them from making history with a "Whites Only" policy. If Black people get a history, then so should the White people.

So why don't we get a white history month or week? Or even a day for that matter? Call me crazy, but despite my pale complexion I do have a heritage and a history to be proud of, and I feel kinda bad to have to celebrate it alone. If we're all for equal rights, why can't every race have a holiday to celebrate its achievements?

This is actually a bit misleading of my true beliefs however. In reality, I don't want any race to be celebrated over any other, and the easiest way to do that is to not celebrate race at all. Oh, we should certainly all be proud of ourselves, for all of the traits and characteristics that make us who we are, but race is such a divisive and petty thing to use to differentiate ourselves. We didn't choose our race, we were born with it. It's like having an 'Impoverished Backgrounds' month, or a 'Born with a Silver Spoon in our Mouth' month (note: I'm not comparing any race with either of those financial analogies). Being proud of one's heritage is one thing, but I don't see the need to celebrate race.

So since my ideal world doesn't exist where one race is not celebrated over another, my question is still there unanswered. How come there is no official White History Month? In the words of a Tulane University Black History Month Web site, "a White History Month is not needed because the contributions of whites are already acknowledged by society. Black History Month is meant to remedy this inequity of representation."

Oh...I get it now...its a remedy. Oops my bad!
white history month Pictures, Images and Photos


little jill said...

Hey--I wandered to your sight from Snarky's. I was reading your back posts and though I'd link you to a song about cupids that I think you might like:

Band: Voice of the Beehive

Song: I'm Shooting Cupid

I was going to link you but the only place I found it was in iTunes. So check it. I think you might enjoy. And randomly, in college I wrote a little article on the same thing--why is it all in one day? I wonder where I put that? Anyhow--happy day!

Lauralee Altice said...

That is so true! I get annoyed when "darker skinned" people act like they are so oppressed when they were born and raised in the US are are rich spoiled kids. I'm like you don't even know the meaning of the word. Do you even have any distant relatives who where slaves? NO! :) Some people's kids!

Heather Atchley said...

Ditto and AMEN sister!!!

Anonymous said...

"it's not like we're there to stop them from making history with a "Whites Only" policy."

how small minded is this statement! Do you honestly think a black man was able to just get up and do something for the first 150 years of this country? it wasnt too long ago that the US had many "whites only" policy. Or take into consideration President Obama....the US may not have a 'white's only policy' but he received more threats than any other politician since he started his campaign... he made history, but it could have costed him his life. How is that "easy" for him to get up and 'make history"?

Holls said...
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Holls said...

In case you missed the point of the blog GEORGE. She's saying no race should be celebrated over another. So no need to go off on your Obama-loving kick. YEESH!!! If you don't like what Rach write then stop reading it or just don't comment. It's her blog for goodness sakes.