Saturday, May 23, 2009

Don't leave me in charge

Yesterday at work the majority of the people in my office had gone to Abilene for some training at one of our other clinics. When I say most of the people its because we had 7, last friday two people were fired so we are down to 5. So 3 of those 5 were gone for training. My other coworker was going out of town this weekend to see her son in Lubbock and I knew traffic was going to be horrible so I sent her packing at 2 to fight the traffic. So there I was the only one in the office for 3 hours. I was answering the phones while I was doing some work on the computer. I was very productive I might add.
When it came time to go home I was supposed to transfer our phones to the answering service we use. This was something I had never done before (our secretary used to do it, but she is one of the ones that got the ax) so there were instructions for me to do it. I was to push *72 and then dial this 866 number and tell them I was transferring the phones. So I dialed the *72, hung up and then called the 866 number. I wanted to make sure I had done it right, so I called the office from my cell. It didn't work. So I tried again. *72 this time I dialed the 866 number right after. Only some how I misdialed the number and got a recording for a phone sex line. Of course I freaked out and immediatly hung the phone up. So I tried again *72, only this time it wouldn't let me do it, it just beeped at me. So I dialed the number, and low and behold I had actually transfered our phone calls to a phone sex line. LOL I had to hurry and undo the transfer and then redo it and ensured that this time I had done it correctly. Can you imagine if I had not checked to make sure I did it right? Its a 3 day weekend! That is a lot of calls that could come in that were going to be redirected to my special number. I called my boss to tell her what I had done, and she laughed and said only the nurse would do something like that. She said im sure its a service our clients could use, but we shouldn't exactly force it upon them. LOL

Moral of the story, don't leave me in charge!



Holly said...

Haha! That's funny! It is a good thing you checked!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Did Lauralee dye your hair blond for ya? It comes in handy, believe me. ;)